What is PopTech?
A Curator Of What’s Next.
A Cynicism Evaporator.
A World-Class Imaginarium.
What’s up?
Dear PopTech Friends and Family,
Welcome to 2025! It’s been quite a year so far. Since all hell is breaking loose, we aren’t waiting until October to get the gang together. It’s time to throw a party and generate some good old-fashioned camaraderie. An article in The Atlantic supports our instinct – Americans are experiencing a party deficit, fueling isolation, general malaise, and resolve. Here’s what we’re doing to change all that!
The Lasagna Accords—Leetha is getting the ball rolling by hosting a dinner series at her apartment in DC on the fourth Wednesday of February, March, and April. Ten seats are available on each date, and, you guessed it, lasagna and provocative conversation will be on the menu.
PopTech Meet-Up at SXSW—We love sharing community with our colleagues and friends at SXSW and know many of you will be attending. We’ll share details about a time and place to gather in Austin in a couple of weeks.
PopTech Road Trip—We’re busy creating a schedule of spring pop-up events in New York, DC, and the San Francisco Bay Area. Our March newsletter will share details.
PopTech 2025—Save the date! Our capstone event is slated for October 7 to 9, 2025. We’ll announce the theme and details in our April newsletter.
PopTechers in the news
In December, Dmitri Alperovitch and Beatrice Fihn appeared in the NYT Opinion section with pieces that look at Trump’s potential to establish diplomatic relations with North Korea and how escalating nuclear vulnerability creates our most significant opportunity to curtail atomic weapons.
Stay in touch, stay in tune,
The PopTech Team

Join a PopTech Malaise-Breaker Event
If you are interested in attending our malaise-breaker events, please email us at Hello@PopTech.org. Space is limited for the Lasagna Accords dinner series in DC, so inquire early. Let us know if you will attend SXSW; we’d love to invite you to the PopTech/SX Meet-up. Interested in co-hosting a pop-up with us? Reach out to Partnerships@poptech.org.
Worth a Watch
The PopTech 2024: Uncharted Territory playlist of talks is now available on the PopTech YouTube Channel. They provide a treasure map of possibility and potential—a balm for an uncertain world.
Be sure to check out Nick Gillespie’s talk, The Agony of Abundance, a unique insight into American pessimism. Need a dose of possibility? Look no further than Pabos Holman’s talk, Solving the Other 98%.
Like these talks? Visit the PopTech YouTube Channel – home to a treasure trove of timeless content.

Reading Corner
MindMasters: The Data-Driven Science of Predicting and Changing Human Behavior by Sandra Matz, is a riveting look at what our digital footprints reveal about us, how they’re being used—for good and for ill—and how we can gain power over the data that defines us.
March 2
1230 — 115 PM EST
Reading Corner: The Hype Handbook.
Michael Schein will read from and discuss his recent book, The Hype Handbook: 12 Indispensable…
March 2
1230 — 115 PM EST
Reading Corner: The Hype Handbook.
Michael Schein will read from and discuss his recent book, The Hype Handbook: 12 Indispensable…
March 2
1230 — 115 PM EST
Reading Corner: The Hype Handbook.
Michael Schein will read from and discuss his recent book, The Hype Handbook: 12 Indispensable…