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What is PopTech?

A Curator Of What’s Next.

A Cynicism Evaporator.

A World-Class Imaginarium.


What’s up?


Dear PopTech Friends and Family,

Uncertainty is the new norm, and predictability is taking a backseat, whether it’s politics, job reports, economic forecasts, or global strife. Does this leave you longing for an authentic forum where questions are prioritized over answers? Join us at PopTech 2024: Uncharted Territory – an antidote to uncertainty. 

There’s no such thing as “business as usual” at PopTech. We are well known for innovative format change-ups and a speaker line-up that is anything but predictable. We are doubling down on debate and conversation guided by an eclectic group of provocateurs and instigators.  

Why PopTech? If you are responsible for the success of a company, a team, or an organization, or you’re longing for the best possible future for yourself and your family, you must put PopTech at the top of your list this fall. Long known as the curators of what’s next, we face uncertainty with gusto and look forward to seeing you in October. 

Feeling the effects of summer? In a nod to procrastination, we are extending the Midpoint Discount Registration Rate through July 31st!


Provocateur Highlights

Jacob MchangamaExploring and imaging free speech

Esther Dyson – Investing in (vs. spending on) the US’s most important asset: its next-generation

Anna Chekhovich – BitCoin as a key workaround to authoritarian governments

Find our full roster of provocateurs and instigators on the PopTech 2024 conference page

Join us live October 8-10, 2024, at The REACH at the Kennedy Center in Washington, DC, for a program filled with provocations, questions, debates, field trips, and more! Additional highlights and announcements are coming throughout the summer.

Group Rates & NGO Discounts

PopTech is a wonderful way to celebrate friends and family or to plan a collegial offsite. We’re happy to help you with group pricing and planning. Work in the non-profit, education, or government sector? Contact us for a discount. Reach out to [email protected]

Stay in touch, stay in tune,

The PopTech Team


PopTech 2024: Uncharted Territory



We are proud to launch The Alain Sylvain Creative Fund, which was established to support the vision of our beloved friend, colleague, and PopTech board member, Alain Sylvain. As the founder of the strategy and design company SYLVAIN and a champion of social change across many organizations, including PopTech, Alain was committed to creating a “community of misfits bent on harnessing strategy and design for the greatest good.” Now, we have the unique opportunity to honor Alain’s legacy by nurturing a new generation of young, kindred spirits through scholarships for emerging New Majority creatives to attend the annual PopTech forum and benefit from the mentorship of the combined PopTech, Ghost Note and SYLVAIN communities. The participating young people will be selected based on their shared commitment to using strategy and creativity to buck the status quo.

Please join us in supporting the fund with a tax-deductible contribution. Do you know of someone who would be a great fit for a Creative Fund award? Please take a moment to make a recommendation

We invite posts that capture the astonishing, engaging, and entertaining. Submit via REALLY?

Worth a Watch

The Art of Playing Yourself – How often do we play our real selves? An enchanting and reflective conversation between iconic storytellers Todd Field and Adam Gopnik

Climate Prediction Markets: Sandra Matz discusses her collaborative research on using digital marketplaces to predict climate change. These marketplaces provide more accurate public opinions that can lead to climate behavior change and better policy development.

Like these talks? Visit the PopTech YouTube Channel – home to a treasure trove of timeless content.


Reading Corner

On The Edge: The Art Of Risking Everything, Nate Silver’s upcoming and highly anticipated book, investigates “the River,” the community of professional risk-takers—poker players and hedge fund managers, crypto true believers, and blue-chip art collectors whose mastery of risk allows them to shape and dominate much of modern life. The book is due for release in mid-August 2024.

Committed to Changing

The Status Quo

Upcoming Events

March 2

1230 — 115 PM EST

Reading Corner: The Hype Handbook.

Michael Schein will read from and discuss his recent book, The Hype Handbook: 12 Indispensable…

March 2

1230 — 115 PM EST

Reading Corner: The Hype Handbook.

Michael Schein will read from and discuss his recent book, The Hype Handbook: 12 Indispensable…

March 2

1230 — 115 PM EST

Reading Corner: The Hype Handbook.

Michael Schein will read from and discuss his recent book, The Hype Handbook: 12 Indispensable…