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Jon Levy

Jon specializes in applying the latest scientific research on human behavior (neuroscience, psychology, economics, biology, etc.), to transform the ways companies approach marketing, sales, consumer engagement, product design, and Influencer program development. To prove his research, Jon founded The Influencers, a secret dining experience and private community, whose membership includes over 1200 industry leaders, ranging from Nobel laureates, Olympians, and celebrities, to executives, editors-in-chief, and even royalty.

In 2016, Jon Published his first book The 2 AM Principle: Discover The Science of Adventure, where Jon shares stories of his adventures (e.g. getting crushed by a bull in Pamplona’s Running of The Bulls, battling Kiefer Sutherland in drunken Jenga for an invite to Thanksgiving dinner, convincing a the duty-free sales clerk to quit her job and travel with him within 10 seconds of meeting) combined with scientific research on living a fun, exciting and remarkable life.